The small metal parts Padova that bear our brand, constitutes one of the primary sectors of expertise of the Tami Stamp company. Thanks to our incessant work and our inexhaustible expertise, in fact, every day we satisfy the most diverse requests of our customers, contributing with our passion, to the creation of the best quality products. It is often thought that, given the tiny dimensions of the small metal parts, one brand is as good as another. In reality, it is always behind the careful selection of details that the true quality of the finished product is hidden. Our precision small parts are the perfect details aimed at guaranteeing durability to the products intended for end consumers. An indestructible living room, an appliance with eternal performance, a product with surprising resistance … every quality object carries our signature. If it is true that, the “beautiful” product is noticed at first sight, the quality product stands out over time, highlighting its potential day after day and not disappointing the customer’s expectations. Our goal is to spread the quality of our precision small parts by offering our accessories on a national scale. A dream that, thanks to the seriousness with which we operate and the quality of our raw materials, is slowly coming true, allowing our brand to conquer a niche position in the specific sector market. Tami Stamp: the small metal parts from which great projects come to life